Avery is four months old! I feel like he should still be so little, but he seems likes he’s ready to be big and playing with his brother. He had his four month check up today and he’s just over 14 pounds which is three pounds more than his two month appointment. He’s in size six month clothing because he’s so long. He seems like he’s going to be ready to start trying food soon which is a lot faster than his brother. He watches us eat, chews on his hands and anything he grab all day long, and is constantly drooling. He’s showing signs of teething already and I know he’s going to love eating once we let him. He eyes everything we eat and drink.

The boys in matching shirts
Little Bro Saurus

Since Avery wants to be up all the time, we decided we needed something for him to sit in and play with. There was a really good sale on activity centers and we found one we liked for him. He’s still a little small and we only have him in it for 5-10 minutes at a time, but his feet reach the ground and he loves to bounce. He loves that the drums light up and play music and he tries to chew on everything. He’s rolling over now too so there’s no more leaving him somewhere high unattended. He’s gonna be on the move with his brother in no time and I’m so excited about watching the boys grow together and to see their personalities more and watch them play together.

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