I was gifted the Play Osmo game in this post to share about. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
I love holidays and any excuse to celebrate something. Easter has always been a fun one for me to get ready for. I love the big family lunch/dinner, having an easter egg hunt for the kids, and getting easter baskets ready for the kids to wake up to. I always get traditional things for the basket like a chocolate bunny, some small candies and a small toy, but this year I’m adding something different.

Osmo has so many great learning games and both of my kids love to play them. I love letting them play whenever they ask too because they’re learning words, math, coding, and more. This year, Osmo has an Easter challenge and the theme is a “learnament”. You can learn more about the “learnament”, the characters in it, and what games they are from at this link: https://www.playosmo.com/–/2021-learnament-of-champions/ . You can also go to PlayOsmo.com to learn more or go to Amazon to shop their Easter sale which has items up to 30% off!

This year, Mason got the coding kit as one of his Easter gifts. He’s really been into coding games for little kids lately so I knew he would love this. This kit has three different games that you can play from beginner to advanced. Their coding Awbie game is for beginners and it’s perfect for Mason and young kids. He quickly learned how to turn the arrows to tell the character which way to go and he’s working on counting too when he has to move multiple spaces at once. He’s had fun following the path, chasing a bunny, and getting strawberries. It will be cool to keep playing and seeing what else happens and what else he learns.

Our favorite games so far are the coding kit, the little genius starter kit, and the detective agency. We also want to try the Pizza Co. game soon. They have games for toddlers through big kids and any of them would make great gift in their Easter baskets this year!