Most of my pregnancy with Mason was really hard. I was so worried about having another miscarriage, but every time I got to hear his heartbeat I felt a little bitter. Throughout my entire pregnancy, I had high blood pressure. My doctor said if it continued that we would have to plan an induction to be safe. Then I went in to to do the glucose test and found out I had gestational diabetes. I cried when they first called and told me. Gestational diabetes was something I didn’t know much about because people don’t really talk about it. I had to go to a class to learn about meal planning and what I can eat to help the glucose levels. I had to check my blood sugar four times a day, every day , for the rest of my pregnancy. I also had to see a specialist every couple weeks to get an ultrasound to make sure the baby wasn’t growing too big.

All of these health problems had me really worried, but I was still so excited to meet to my baby. My husband was able to go to the anatomy ultrasound with me and we knew we wanted to know the gender so we could buy things ahead of time. We were so excited to find out we were having a little boy and we decided on the name Mason Reid. We had most of his room ready ahead of time and a lot of stuff already purchased and set up. We decided we should go on one last getaway while it’s just the two of us. We ended up going to Vancouver Canada and and also spent an evening in Whistler. It was such a great trip and we had the best time exploring the town. We went to the aquarium and it had been snowing for a few hours. Dolphins have always been my favorite animal and this aquarium actually had dolphins and we got to watch a show while it was snowing. It was so magical.
When we returned home from our babymoon, there a lot more appointments lined up as we got closer to the due date. Luckily, I never needed insulin, but did have to keep checking blood sugars four times a day. I also had to get a lot of blood work, extra ultrasounds, and I had to go into triage to get monitored a few times. We had it planned that I would be induced one week early because of the high blood pressure. Then one day after blood tests, I got a call while I was at work. I had preeclampsia and needed to be induced sooner, three weeks early now. This was a Friday and I was told I could go in on Sunday night. I went and told my boss I couldn’t come back to work, I had a dinner at a restaurant with my mom, and I packed my bag. We went into the hospital Sunday night at the time they told us to and started pitocin. We watched TV and then tried to get some sleep. In the morning there was still nothing happening so I was able to eat breakfast. They kept increasing the pitocin and then a doctor had to break my water. Finally on Monday evening we were progressing more. I was getting really sick and got an epidural. Around midnight the nurse told me I could start pushing so Sean called my mom and she rushed over to be there for the delivery. I pushed and pushed and Mason was born at 5:24 am on February 14th. He’s the best Valentine’s gift ever. It was a really long delivery and when we was born, I was losing a lot of blood. They laid him on my chest and then took him away right away because he wasn’t breathing right. I just laid there not able to focus and not feeling like myself. When they said I could hold him again, I let my mom hold him because I felt like I couldn’t move. It took a while before I could feel like I could hold him, but once I did, it was amazing. Getting to see your tiny baby and get all the snuggles. I’ll never forget that delivery because it was long (we didn’t get to leave until Thursday) and we didn’t expect him to be born on Valentine’s Day. It’s such a great memory.
Thank you for sharing and congrats. I worry so much about pregnancy of course I want children but it’s so many things that come with it. You’re right I don’t know much about gestational diabetes other than it’s a thing. I’m glad you felt okay to share your experience but cause you don’t know how many people your helping including me 😊
Thank you! I think it’s important to share what we go through in case it can help someone. Even if it’s just one person! Pregnancy can be scary because it’s a lot of unknown and a lot of learning, but I think researching different doctors so you know who will be a good fit for you is the best thing to do! I had the same doctor both times and absolutely love how kind, thoughtful, and helpful she was. I really trusted her!
This is very inspiring! I just lost my baby in utero at 5 months and I don’t know how to ready myself to try again but this article is very inspiring. Thanks 😊
Hello Charity, I am so sorry to hear that. I know that nothing I (or anyone else) says will help you, but I know that only time will help heal you. Thank you for sharing that because it took me a couple years before I shared with anyone that I had a miscarriage. I felt like I was the only one because no one seemed to want to say it happened to them, but I think it’s better to share in that journey together as mothers to know it’s hard and painful for many women and we should help lift each other up. Once you’re ready to try again, you will know. Just don’t put too much pressure on yourself and give yourself grace! 🙂
Congratulations on your valentine’s baby, I love the name Mason! Well done for doing such an amazing job whilst pregnant, it can be worrying enough without having additional health issues to deal with. I also had an induction but at 42 weeks because Jasper didn’t fancy turning up anytime sooner. Thanks for sharing your experience x
Thank you! Hopefully your induction didn’t take too long since you were already at 42 weeks!