Port Angeles May, 2018

Sean and I love to take weekend getaways when we can. It’s fun to go on adventures and see and try new things. It’s especially fun now that we’re parents and we get to do these things with our kids. We were trying to find somewhere to go that wasn’t too far away and we heard that Point Defiance was a fun zoo and aquarium to go to. I was able to find us a hotel in Tacoma, WA and we left early in the morning to drive that way and go to the zoo. There was some construction going on at the time so we didn’t get to see some things, but we had so much. They had camels there which I hadn’t seen in person before and Mason liked being so close to the birds, although he wasn’t sure at first. We went into the aquarium and they had sting rays in a touch tank and I was able to get him to touch one. That was one of my favorite parts of the trip.

After the zoo, we did the some shopping around town and then went back to our hotel. We decided to eat at the hotel restaurant for dinner. It was a little pricey, but really delicious and we didn’t feel like leaving to go out again. The net day we had planned to go for a day trip to take a ferry and go to the San Juan Islands. However, we didn’t really look at the maps too well and ended up going on a random adventure to Port Angeles. There were ferry rides there, but not the one we needed and we were already too far away so we decided to just explore the city. We found a restaurant for lunch and walked around the water. Then we went on a detour on the way back home and went through Forks, WA. This added a lot to our drive, but I read the Twilight series when I was a teenager and thought it would be fun. Forks was a really small town, but we found some cute tourist type shops and there was a Twilight “museum” where they had clothing and other items from the movies that they had purchased in an auction. It was fun to look at the props and read the facts about the pieces and the characters/actors. We were able to find a coffee shop in Forks too that had really amazing mochas. After that we made our home, but it was a really memorable weekend and we’re planning to go back so we can see Point Defiance again now that the remodeling is over and to actually go to the San Juan Islands.

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