Sean and I always knew we wanted to have more than one child. I also wanted them to be close in age, but wasn’t exactly sure when I would be ready for another one. Shortly after Mason turned 1, we started talking about having another baby. We went to Disneyland in July of 2018 and we found out I was pregnant about two weeks later. It was just like with Mason and around the same time too! I was so excited to have another baby and that Mason was going to be a big brother!

We told all of our family pretty early on this time. I was able to take an at home blood test that gets sent to a lab to tell you the baby’s gender at 9 weeks. I was convinced that I was having a girl because this pregnancy was already so different than with Mason and I was getting so sick all day. The early blood test said we were having a boy! I was so shocked and in disbelief, I thought maybe the sample was contaminated because we lived with so many boys and it says that is a possibility, but we confirmed later on with the doctor that it was a boy!

I was so excited that Mason was going to have a little brother to play with and be best friends with! The hard part was picking a name! We had a name picked out for a girl, but couldn’t agree on any boy names. With my husband being a teacher, it makes it really hard to pick a name because he either sees it a lot or someone ruined the name for him. I searched and searched for names and we finally found one we both liked, Avery. With Mason, he has cool initials that spell Mr.V (that wasn’t on purpose) so I wanted Avery’s initials to be cool too. I thought about it for a long time because I was still thinking about a different first name, but I thought of Avery Taylor because his initials would be ATV and I texted that to Sean while he was at work and he responded that he loved it. So it took us a long time to come up with his name, but at least we decided on one before delivery (I was starting to worry we wouldn’t) and the name fits him perfectly!