We didn’t originally plan on going to the beach twice and on two separate days. It was kind of a last minute plan because there was still so much we wanted to do, but I’m so glad we went again. Going to the beach from our house is a long time in in the car for two little kids, but luckily they both do really well in the car. It also helps that we now have a tv and dvd player in there for those long rides.

We went to some outlet malls on the way towards the beach and then our first major stop was the Tillamook Cheese Factory. They recently redid the their visitor center and it looks really nice. My son loves eating cheese so it was fun to try all the samples with him. We walked around and were able to look through windows to see what happens with the cheese and Mason liked doing that too. Then we decided to have lunch there because we were really hungry and they have a new restaurant. We got fried cheese curds, tomato soup with cheese curds in it (so delicious), and a chicken strip meal to share with Mason. I got a fountain drink and then saw that they didn’t have regular soda. They had special machines with local soda and I tried a pineapple cream soda. It was one of the best drinks I’ve ever had and I wish I could buy bottles of it!

After Tillamook, we went to Seaside. We walked around to look at all the shops and I searched all the personalized items to find something that had both a Mason and Avery but had no luck. We got some candy and a set of sand toys and then we went down onto the beach. We had the stroller with us and didn’t want to go back to the car first. We pushed the stroller through the sand all the way to the water because we wanted Mason to be able to play in the sand. It felt like the longest walk of my life. It was so much fun though to see Mason go in the water with his dad and have fun building sand castles.

After we played in the sand for a while, we started our adventure back home. On our way back to the car I saw something in the front of one store we didn’t go in and I ran in there. They had the street signs that say Seaside and they had one for both Mason and Avery! I was so excited to finally find them something with their names and it was the perfect way to end our time there. We stopped in Astoria on the way home for our favorite pizza place that I learned about from my dad, Fultano’s. They also have one in Astoria near all the shops that has an arcade. The pizza was so good and it was the perfect way to end the day. Then we had a long drive home and luckily both kids fell asleep on the way home and stayed asleep when we put them in their beds for the night.

3 thoughts on “Beach Trip Take 2”

  1. What a fun day! I love cheese – we’ve never taken the kids to a cheese factory, but I’d love to do that! Looks like a great day at the beach, too.

    1. If you have the chance to go to a cheese factory, you should! The ice cream they have their is delicious too!

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